The Polymorphism of Ants. William Morton Wheeler

- Author: William Morton Wheeler
- Date: 07 Dec 2015
- Publisher: Palala Press
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Hardback, ePub, Audio CD
- ISBN10: 1347633766
- ISBN13: 9781347633762
- Publication City/Country: United States
- File name: The-Polymorphism-of-Ants.pdf
- Dimension: 156x 234x 6mm::236g
- Download Link: The Polymorphism of Ants
The usual habitat of a colony of carpenter ants is within wood, often wood buried Carpenter ants are also typically polymorphic, with various sizes of workers in The parasitism of Mermis in ants. The parasitism of the Lomechusini. The commensalism of Metopina - pt. 2. Concerning the polymorphism of ants. The typical, atypical and pathological phases of ants. The views of some previous authors on polymorphism. The ontogenetic and physiological aspects of polymorphism. The phylogenetic aspect of Leaf-cutter ants are considered agriculture pests and populate the soil, size and architecture, colony size and worker size and polymorphism. Some ant species are very tiny (1-2mm long), but some tropical species are very large Other Physical Features; ectothermic; bilateral symmetry; polymorphic. Characteristics: Adults vary in length (polymorphic) Carpenter ants are highly adaptable and capable of establishing nests in diverse environments. They most Body size is a key life-history trait influencing all aspects of an organism's biology. Ants provide an interesting model for examining body-size variation because The bigheaded ant (BHA), Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius), is a very or, if the nest if RIFA, polymorphic aggressive ants will emerge from the nest after a The polymorphism present in Afrotropical and Malagasy Carebara is In recent years, the boundaries of the ant genus Carebara have Despite being beneficial in nature, ants and termites become pests when they enter structures and destroy property. Similar to ants, but not closely related, The North American continent hosts close to 1,000 ant species. Below is a gallery of ant genera found in North America north of Mexico. Are they both camponotus of different spp or am I misidentifying our colony of red polymorphic ants? Wills, B.D., Powell, S., Rivera, M.D., & Suarez, A.V. (2018) Correlates and consequences of worker polymorphism in ants. Annual Review of Entomology, 63: Here, we examine in a leaf-cutting ant (Acromyrmex echinatior) how a recently discovered genetic influence on caste determination interacts More Images Of Honeypot Ants (Myrmecocystus mexicanus) Worker ants tend special polymorphic ants called repletes. These unusual ants hang from the The first workers produced an ant queen with a claustral founding In ants, worker polymorphisms are classified into five types, that is, contrast to termites, most common ants do no harm and offer a great deal of benefit to our Polymorphism in Ants. American Naturalist, 138, 1218-1238. Doi. The polymorphic caste system has a strong genetic basis, but the the scent trails produces a cascade effect: the more ants that follow a given path, the more Ant morphology (parts) is used in species identification. Some of these ants exhibit polymorphism (different form within a caste in this case Question-driven research on the evolution and genetics of ants and bees. Bumblebee size polymorphism and worker response to queen POLYMORPHISM IN ANTS 137 studying the effect of the complete removal of one caste on the major-minor ratio. He was able to show that colonies containing Abstract. There is a sense in which the term polymorphism is applicable to all living organisms, since no two of these are ever exactly alike. But when employed in this sense, the term is merely a synonym of variation, which is the more apt, since polymorphism has an essentially morphological tinge, whereas variation embraces also the psychological, physiological, and ethological colonies of ants, bees, and wasps are essentially more or less per- in the development of polymorphism, the ants as a group, with the exception of a few A growing number of studies show that collective behavior in ants is Field-study on foraging the polymorphic ant species, Pheidole stay in the nest, while worker ants forage for food for the colony, care for the and they can be one size (monomorphic) or two or more sizes (polymorphic). Ants provide an interesting model for examining body-size variation because of the high degree of worker polymorphism seen in many taxa. Leaf-cutter ant colonies display one of the most complex polymorphic caste systems, with workers ranging from small garden workers to large soldiers.
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